About InterHerd+
InterHerd+ is written and owned by PAN Livestock Services Ltd a private limited company with offices in the University of Reading, UK. The company specialises in veterinary epidemiology, disease control and livestock information systems.
InterHerd+ is the latest of a long series of livestock information systems ranging from on-farm herd management systems (InterHerd) through to web-based systems for Europe’s largest milk recording organisation (Herd Companion) to national livestock databases used by governments, national veterinary services and breed societies (InterTrace).
InterHerd+ builds on many years of experience in the UK and overseas with the InterHerd program, working at both farm and technical adviser level. InterHerd was the first program to import and analyse milk recording data on a routine basis. InterHerd+ facilitates this process by downloading data automatically from both major UK milk recording organisations (NMR and CIS).
InterHerd+ is readily translatable in to other languages. The flexible event structure also makes it very adaptable to different livestock management systems. Current users range from large intensive dairy herds through to dual purpose herds (beef and dairy) in rural Colombia.